
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

AI Punks Fuck Off!

Why should I, an industrial worker whose wholly successful workplace remained only as tarnished by AI as late '80s technology allowed, write about AI being a heap of stinking summer garbage when others can write about it so much better than I can?

I Live In A Car

Spoke with one of my neighbours about what concluded the homelessness protest in our nearby park. Turns out the protesters, genuinely surprised they were not welcome, thought they had better move on. One of my neighbours loaded up their gear and towed their trailer over by City Hall. I can hear the Club Members', er, Mayor and councillors', gnashing of teeth from here.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Last Screams of the Missing Neighbours

Later the same day Global BC news descended on the homelessness protest/anti-protest in my neighbourhood park the park got cleared of the protest. I was not there and I have not yet spoken to any of my neighbours, save one, so I am not clear about just what happened. One neighbour I did speak to said he saw about 50 cops marching into the park as he drove by Friday evening. 

Given it was Friday night, a night many of us still enjoy a few beer or perhaps something stronger, I have a feeling one of my neighbours lost their shit and some sort of donnybrook took place. When I find out I will pass on what information I can gather.

Score one for Redneck Justice.

AI Punks Fuck Off!

Why should I, an industrial worker whose wholly successful workplace remained only as tarnished by AI as late '80s technology allowed, w...