Fool’s Paradise

It began innocently enough - the pocket calculator. The message was clear enough. - do not use your brain, use this. Those of us without the $100 to buy a calculator continued to use our brains, for free I might add, while  the rich (only a couple people from my neighbourhood had $100 to throw away on anything that would not alter their consciousness significantly) found themselves in possession of one more thing that bolstered their sense of eliteness.

We all know what happened after that. Every new gadget to come along has made us incrementally dumber. Additionally every new gadget we get sucked into buying makes someone who has no need of further wealth that much fucking richer. 

The latest such gadget is artificial intelligence. The rich have now at last finally got us where they have wanted us for centuries: headless as starfish. Still able to consume but that is about it. The game is up, for good.

Good luck suckers.
