Too Many Whiskers, Too Little Cheese

Getting out of the city is where it has always been at for me. I love people and all the shit they do plenty but what I love more is less people and less of the shit they do.

One of the things people do in big cities is create the fucking rat race, clamouring and killing one another to get one more piece of rotten cheese than their neighbour. It is as if no one has informed big city fuckers no one gets to take that extra piece of rotten cheese with them when they die.

Smaller cities, Greenwood for example, lack a rat race. That is what I like and what I like even better is the complete lack of a city. No people. No rats. No race.

Could be I would like cities more if I have not lived in one my whole life. Too bad for me now I have the freedom to get out of the city I kind of like being close to big hospitals.

So I get out of the rat race whenever I can.

