Anybody drink way too much fucking beer last night? Oh, that's right. It is not 1957 any more. Let me try that again. Anybody have an extra overpriced coffee yesterday? Fucking near blew your head off I bet.
Went to one of my town's few bars to ring in the New Year last night. I am quite sure there was not a drunk in the place. Canada, once a nation of hard drinking Anarchist workers, has become a place that more closely resembles a hippie commune than it does an old time Industrial Workers of the World convention.
The word hippie (Is it politically correct to use the word 'hippie'? Like I give a fuck.) comes to mind because half the bar was outside smoking dope all night.
My date, lovely woman by the name of Janis, asked me, "Why aren't you out there getting high as Cheech and Chong out there with everybody else?"
"It is cold out there and warm in here is why. Fucking hippies can't tell the difference between warm and cold when they smoke that shit," I explained.
"You're so full of shit Beer. How about you buy me another fucking drink with all the money you are saving not buying dope?" Janis asked.
I bought her another fucking drink and got myself a double. I'm starting to really like Janis and she's driving me crazy.
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