Thrift Store Blues

Been nearly four years since I lost Cheryl Gordin to cancer. Ever since that day I have had a difficult time throwing out anything in my place that she touched. Even inconsequential things like dish towels. As a result I have dish towels with holes in them big enough for every promise all the parties to this year's provincial election make to pass through through without even touching the edges.

One day all I will have left is photographs, the records Cheryl bought me for Christmas and birthdays and memories.

That said I am slowly ridding myself of shit I do not and will never use. Recent victims of this purge include a lot of glass ware which Cheryl was fond of, books (some of which she surely bought me), the rocking chair that graced our front room for over two decades and cans of food far beyond their best before date.

Today it was two old shelving units I returned to the thrift store from whenst they came. They were tossed in favour of some better IKEA shelving. Cheryl would have approved of that move. IKEA was the closest Cheryl came to going to church since she was little.

Thrift stores are so great. The guy who helped me get them out of my car even helped me figure out which of my two brake lights my car computer told me were burned out. I imagine there is a Thrift Store Day. If not, why not?
