Grave Misgivings

As an individual fond of liberty I have grave misgivings about forcing marginalized people into institutions to keep them off the streets. Ken Kesey gave me a pretty good idea of what that looks like a long, long time ago. If you think the new regime being rolled out to minimize social disorder will be any different there is a casino on Barnston Island that is in need of investors I would like to interest you in.

On the other hand I get how we as a society are at our wit's end as we foresee, or at least think we foresee, people walking down the street towards us wanting to chop off our fucking hands and shit. When concerned citizens demand their government DO SOMETHING long enough that is exactly what governments tend to do. That is why basically every neighbourhood in my city has speed bumps slowing us down and jostling us around like a loose bag full of beer cans being dragged to the recycling depot.

It is helpful street crazies do not have access to high priced lawyers to prevent this mass imprisonment from happening. That said, the authourities have got a list of confirmed gangsters at least as long as the street crazies one. How long before that anti-social segment of society gets locked up and treated like the skinheads in Clockwork Orange? Like El Salvador and a growing list of so-called strongmen led nations are doing? Such a move is one application of the notwithstanding clause away from happening and I would not be slightly surprised to see a government like the Conservative one in waiting pull that rabbit out of their hat.
