
 Like most long weekends I decided to stay home. The less people, the more I  like my city. It is enough to make me wish for the nuclear war everybody is talking up what with all the shit hitting the fan in the Middle East, Ukraine and elsewhere.

Friday night was my bowling night. Lawn bowling. I long planned to lawn bowl when I retired and I am really enjoying it. My fellow club members are a fine group to hang out with.

Saturday I got down to the Drive to pick up a new Ian Hunter album I had ordered and Orville Peck's new double album of duets. Ian Hunter is an enduring favourite of mine ever since I bought my first second hand Mott the Hoople back when I was in junior high. He is now my favourite living songwriter. I have fallen for Peck much more recently. Fucker is a modern day Elvis Presley. I expect he will soon be starring in films with Taylor Swift.

It was Dyke March day on the Drive. They were all having fun in the park and in the bars getting ready for the march. A couple of them looked at me like maybe I was Orville Peck's grand dad or something.

Went for a long walk Saturday evening and retired shortly after the sun went down only to be awakened by a huge tree branch crashing down in the front garden which got everyone's attention in the neighbourhood. Everybody showed up with their flashlights and advice.

"You better phone the police." The branch had blocked the road and was hanging too precariously for me to buck it up so I did so.

"Might be a good idea to phone the city too." I called the city emergency line. Woke up the guy who answered the phone. It sounded like the mayor. Everybody else was gone for the weekend. In time a pair of city workers attended only to tell me, "We can't do shit about that. Don't have the proper equipment. And don't you try. You'll get killed." Because I am old people think I am going to kill myself tying my shoelaces.

That's a lot of fun I would have missed out on if I was sitting by a fucking propane fire in the woods with a glass of absinthe in my hand.

Got the BC Cup at Hastings Racecourse tomorrow. 



  1. Hmmmm...I was wide awake late Saturday night due to the ribaldry and decibels emanating from the big box Air B'N'B house two doors up the street...And I certainly do not remember any strong winds that evening...So...Aliens?


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