Global News Comes to my Neighbourhood

Catch the Global BC news last night? If you did you missed my neighbourhood's first appearance on the station that cannot even afford a day time sportscaster any more as the viewers they sell to advertisers have become so few.

As my fair city has cleared out the homeless that have long lived between the tracks that cut through downtown and Gladys Avenue a protest camp has been set up in the local park which is thus far comprised of 8 tents and a trailer. There are too few parks near downtown, which is where the services of the Salvation Army is located, and our park happens to be one of them

My neighbours (and I to be fair) are not amused and have spontaneously organized a counter protest which takes place each evening at 6:00. This, of course, has attracted more police into our neighbourhood than we have seen before in the 40+ years the neighbourhood has been in existence.

Thus far there has been an uneasy truce between the two groups but a lot of my neighbours have never had much use for sun screen on their necks so I am not so sure about how long the truce will hold up.

Of course the mayor and our useless council have been nowhere to be seen. Guess they figure we can source our own truck load of chicken manure to spread around the park.
