
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Best American Presidential Debate Ever

Recorded the televised American Presidential debate. There was no way I was going to able to drink enough in time for the 6:00 PM broadcast to make the experience the least bit positive. Always been thus for me. By the time I was 10 I figured America's only two competitive political parties and their leaders were never going to be attractive to me. The two parties were once known by political philosophers as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. You do not hear them called that any more because the political movement that has been trying to erase every last trace of hippie ideas in their country for decades have managed to noticeably differentiate themselves from their opposite Tweedle.

I managed to watch an hour of it before I began to wish I'd taken a shot of heroin first. Painful it was. If I'd done so I still would have been the liveliest and most coherent individual in the room.

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