On the Whole Shooting Dope In Public Thing

I grew up in a white ghetto and I assure you every drug ever manufactured in the history of the world was available to one and all before they left elementary school. In time parents who care a great deal about their children pressured the local authourities into closing down one of the local roller rinks because kids were allegedly shooting heroin in the roller rink loo. That solved a lot let me tell you. Lesson I learned at a young age: when the people plead for the government to do something you can be damn fucking sure the result for one and all will be like standing behind a jet boat as an unimaginably big pile of manure is shovelled into the intake of the fan.

In time my city grew from one with a very small population of heroin users into one with a large one. When walking my dog we would visit with people happily shooting up on the streets in the open. I came to regard the sight of the needle as notable as a toothbrush on a bathroom counter. On the whole I found the company of open drug users as far more pleasurable than that of the people who would prefer to erase them from sight and, if at all possible, erase them forever. Turned out, however, that as fast as society erased users of addictive drugs twice as many people joined them on the opioid merry go round.

In my mind there are two ways to solve problems: the libertarian way and the authouritarian way. The latter of the two choices, you may have noticed, never fucking works.



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