
Monday, May 6, 2024

Me and Joe Biden

I am strong for an old man but I sure like it when people take one look at me and offer to help me do whatever it is I am doing. I reckon I must look old as Joe Biden to most people.

Today I was in the parking lot of the recycling place beginning to bring in my broken down Chinese made shit so the metals retrieved from it can be made into bombs, drones and other shit with which we can hit fucking Russians. As I did so a young employee of the place asked, "Can I help you with some of that shit mister?"

"Fuck yeah," I responded as she had already started picking up a couple things. Awfully nice of her. I would have given her a tip but I am on a fixed income and what income I have mostly gets spent on prescriptions. And hookers.

If there is one thing I like better than prescriptions and hookers it is recycling. When I was young everything went into the dump. That's why I question the notion humans are intelligent. How can we be when we recently used to chuck everything and still do in lots of places?

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