Garbage Ayatollahs

Woke late today to the welcome sound of rain. I had slept late on the day my city asks I put my garbage and recyclables at the curb side. "Fuck," I thought repeatedly as I quickly dressed to get the shit out before the trucks made their way up and down my street. Having placed my bins the required distance apart from one another (of course the city workers have previously written me up for not doing so) I could hear the first of the trucks coming around the bend towards my humble home.

That was close. My bins are typically full and, as my neighbours are not all still asleep when I rise, I cannot count on being able to fill up their half empty bins in the pre-dawn hours I once climbed out of bed in during my working years when mine are overflowing. That's another thing the city workers do not like: overflowing bins. Been written up by the fuckers for getting that wrong too.

Fuckers have somebody snooping through my paper and tins too checking to see if I have fucked up again. They have even threatened to stop picking my shit up. The garbage ayatollahs would as soon hang me as pick up the questionable contents of my bins.

Once inside I put on the kettle for tea and decided today was going to be a Willie Nelson day.


  1. Don't let the GA's get you down!...Now that you are more like the rest of us Beer (i.e. are no no longer cruising the highways and by-ways before the break of dawn), I suggest you make a deal with your neighbours so that you can all take advantage of available bin space when needed. As Willy might say...It's a win-win!


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