
Saturday, April 27, 2024

Jimi's Old Records Will Never Die

 Jimi left me his old records (maybe 200 of them), cassettes and cds as well as the old table hockey set and an electronic CFL game we used play on when we were kids.

Fucker had good taste in music. Lots of KISS, Motörhead, Captain Sensible, Robert Gordon, old school west coast punk rock and the British hard rock that was the soundtrack to our early teen years. The cassettes include the first half dozen Ramones albums and half a dozen poorly labeled mix tapes.

Haven't got to the cds yet except for a fuck of a Clash live set I was listening to in the car today.

As I was cleaning the albums I decided to put on one of the unlabeled cassettes. Turns out it was the first cassette we recorded for his wedding in the mid-'80s. Nice mix of what we liked and some shit to keep the bride and groom's parents happy. Robert Gordon is so great but the song that really caught my ear 40 years on was Ian Hunter's 'All the Good Ones are Taken'.

Old records never die and cassettes and cds have a pretty decent life span as well.

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