Hot Dog!

 Have you ever eaten a hot dog?

Fuck yeah. Right?

I have eaten so many hot dogs I lost count of how many by the time I was 4.

In elementary school we had a thing called Hot Dog Day. I think it was Fridays. I don't remember where the fuck all those Hot Dog Day hot dogs came from but they came wrapped in a foil wrapper and were already loaded with French's mustard. There may have been other condiments but I think they would have made the hot dogs too expensive for my dirt poor neighbourhood.

At home we ate hot dogs with KD, beans and fuck knows what else. I may have eaten a hot dog casserole or two. We knew how to be poor in those days, motherfuckers.

The best hot dogs were consumed by the camp fire of course. Burnt to a fucking crisp with relish, onions, ketchup, yellow mustard and cheese whiz.

I have eaten hot dogs for breakfast my whole adult life and have yet to experience surgery. My first dog Strangler ate a lot of hot dogs too and she lived far longer than the dogs of the same breed who joined me on my hot dog fueled life.
